Thursday, February 14, 2008

Leverage Your Time and Know-How to Create Wealth

The New Year is here and now's the time when most people do a financial checkup. Do you have outstanding debt in the form of payday loans or high credit card balances? Now's the time to make a resolution to payoff old accounts or renegotiate the debt. Having a fresh perspective on the previous year, you can use lessons learned in the past to help you fine-tune your wealth strategies for the futures. Look at last year's budget and see where things worked and where they didn't. Or, if you haven't got a budget for last year, resolve to start tracking a budget. It can be a great way to figure out what works for you in the long run.

Strategies to Review Money Trends

Compounding interest can work to make you wealthier, especially if you have few debts. If you have lots of debt, the key is to reduce the interest rate so that the compounding doesn’t work against you. Then, also look for investments that yield good interest rates to help you build wealth too. If you have an investment that lost money or languished without favorable returns now is the time to decide on whether to sell it or hold onto it. Sometimes you will want to hold because the trend is only temporary due to market volatility and the commodity is actually very valuable. If it’s time to sell, now’s also the time to check out any new investment options. Public payday lending companies are attracting investors who are looking for recession-proof markets.

Plan Ahead For That Tax Refund

If you have a fat tax refund coming, checking your budget can help you decide what to do with it. You might decide to save it for a seasonal expense that was tight last year (like a summer vacation). You may decide to pay down debt and remove that payment from your monthly budget. This can be a great way to free up more cash during the year. Look at the financial tools you used: credit cards, payday loans, mortgages, bank accounts. Did they fit the need or were you using one when you should have used another. The nice thing about time passing us by is that we got smarter and more efficient with each new year. Take the time to learn the lessons from your previous year and you will find your debt lessening and your wealth increasing. All it takes is time being on your side and a little know-how.

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