Monday, January 28, 2008

it doesnt matter anymore :(



If love is a labor I'll slave 'til the end
I won't cross these streets until you hold my hand

thank you so much.

i would never have known love if it wasn't for you.

i would never have known of how strong LOVE can be if it wasn't for you.

i would never have known of such happiness if it wasn't for you.

i would never have known so little and so much about myself if it wasn't for you.



Love is a wonderful thing

cures any kind of headache
leaves you feeling full on an empty stomach
3 hours of sleep a day and you're still smiling in the morning
arms to make you feel safe & carry you through the days
a soothing voice to calm your nerves ears that listen to your foolish ramblings
comfort in times of need
a partner, an equal that compliments you
barrels of laughter in private jokes pleasant suprises
a kiss that says it all
changes we take to become a better person
sacrifices made for the significant other

And the list just keeps growing and growing with each passing day. I'm glad that Allah had opened my heart to accept him. Truly, love comes when you least expects it. This love is unlike anything I've faced before and for that , I pray it will remain in my heart forever.

Dont Cry,To Pray!

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